Tuesday, 11 September 2007


Whose eyes are these? Have a guess and post your answers in "comments". The one who can recognise all of us wins a pint at Muggleton's! :-)


Joao Alves said...

2 - Rosanna
4 - Egon
7 - Grazyna
8 - Agustina
9 - Agustina J.
12 - Joao
18 - Rita
19 - Mauro
23 - Therese

Good idea, Agustina... :)I hope I have these right. I can't guess the other one for now.

Sofia said...

1. Donata
3. Maria
4. Egon
5. Gyöngyi
6. Ursula
7. Grazyna
8. Agustina
9. Agustina J
10. Danuta
11. Stephanie
12. Joao
13. Lazaro
14. Anna
15. Eleonore
16. Peter
17. Fernando
18. Rita
19. Mauro
20. Ann-Marie
21. Sofia
22. Christa
23. Therese
24. Lorena
25. Nada
26. Irene

This was fun Agustina! :) /Sofia

A.Jiménez said...

YEEAAH! SOFIA, YOU'RE GREAT AT THIS! Good try, Joao, but I'm afraid the pint is for Sofia. Anyway, you can have half-pint for being so quick!

Joao Alves said...

Congratulations Sofia! Very good. And thanks for the half pint :)
This was a funny idea, Agustina.